Is soap clean or dirty?, Is water wet?, Should pineapple go on pizza?, Is cereal a soup?, Do dogs have 4 legs or 2 arms & 2 legs?, What time should the school day start?, Which is better, peanut butter or Nutella?, What is the best type of pet?, In an airplane, does the person in the middle seat get both armrests?, Which is better, the beach or mountains?, Should art be a required subject at school?, Do you think parents should be allowed to look at their child's phone?, Do you think phones should be required or banned at school?, Should students be allowed to stay up as late as they want?, Should uniforms be required at school?, Agree or disagree: aliens are real., Agree or disagree: everyone should be a vegetarian., Do you think plastic straws should be banned? , Do you think all genders should be allowed to play on the same teams? , Do you think computers will eventually take over all jobs?, What do you think is an appropriate consequence for bullying?.
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