1) The basic question asked by linguists when performing a phonological analysis is a) What is the place of articulation of a sound? b) Can any type of sounds appear in any order in a word? c) Would vowel sounds be formed as back or front? 2) The concept of phonotactic constrain refers to a) The restrictions of sound grouping in a particular language b) The sounds of the same place of articulation c) The sounds restricted to consonants 3) The consonants /ʒ/ (as in measure) and /ŋ/ (as in ring) cannot appear in the beginning of a word in English. This is an example of a a) Phonetics features b) Phonotactic articulation c) Phonotactic constraint 4) Consonant clusters in the beginning of a syllable are permitted in all languages a) True b) False

HUM215HM-HY: Module 2.2 - Phonology

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