1) Which day is observed as World Earth Day? a) April 22 b) September 15 c) August 30 2) What do we call the rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals? a) Mushroom rain b) Smog c) Acid rains 3) Which way saves more energy? a) putting your computer  off b) putting it in sleep mode c) leaving it plugged in 4) What country consumes more energy in the world? a) China b) Russia c) the USA 5) Name the phenomena because of which the earth`s atmospheric temperature is increasing? a) Greenhouse effect b) Bluehouse effect c) Redhouse effect 6) What ecological problem is shown in the picture? a) Air pollution b) Deforestation c) Global warming 7) Which layer of the earth1s atmosphere protects the earth from dangerous ultraviolet radiation of the sun? a) Ozonesphere b) Ionosphere c) Troposphere 8) Which of these sources of energy is renewable one? a) oil b) coal c) wind 9) Why do many countries change their time twice a year (in autumn and in spring) a) to have an extra daylight b) to set the clock to the correct time c) to get some more sleep 10) Which pole is colder? a) South Pole b) North Pole c) Both 11) What is the process of collecting, processing, reusing waste materials called? a) Recycling b) Reusing c) Reworking 12) The Bronx Zoo once had a picture frame covered  by cloth. It was labelled "The most dangerous species in the world". What was there under the cloth? a) a virus b) a mirror c) a great white shark

Ecological problems

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