Stop to eat sweets! You will have a stomachache!, I don't know what to take. Ok, I am going to order meat salad. , I don't have money, because I lost pocker match yesterday , This dress is more beautiful then your old one , I can to help you if you need , You should fasten your belts. We are about to take off. , Had you ever been to Japan? , I was cleaning my shoes when my mum was entering home , My boss let me to use office printer for my business, He have already opened red wine, I am used to work in big team , I always keep glasses besides my bed , How often you visit your uncle? , I am sorry, we have no spare parts. It is inpossible to fix your car. , He taked food basket and went away , My boss is old, boring, English man, I am so disappointing! By boyfriend did not buy me flowers for my birthday. , I was driving to the office, I stoped buying postcard and continued driving. , Does this dress siuts me? , When I came home my family already ate the whole cake. .

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