No te metas conmigo - Don't mess with me, Tranquilo - Chill out, No me digas eso - Don't say that to me, No quiero hacerlo - I don't want to do it, No es justo - It's not fair, Siempre me toca a mí - It's always my turn, Déjeme en paz - Leave me alone, No te preocupes - Don't worry, Lo haré - I will do it, No me molestes - Don't bother me, Ven aquí - Come here, Corta el rollo - Cut it out, No seas maleducado - Don't be rude, Me das asco - You disgust me, Cállate - Be quiet, Vale - Okay, No tengo tiempo ni ganas - I don't have the time nor the want, Que pesadilla - What a nightmare, Eres idiota - You're an idiot, Eres estúpido - You're stupid, No me importa - I don't really care, Me da igual - Whatever,

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