苹果 - apple, 香蕉 - banana, 白菜 - Chinese cabage, 西红柿 - tomato, 橙子 - orange, 葡萄 - grapes, 青菜 - green vegetable, 元 - yuan (formal), 块 - yuan (informal), 毛 - ten cents, 多少钱 - how much money, 斤 - half kilo, 公斤 - kilo, 超市 - supermarket, 买 - to buy, 还 - also, 太...了 - too..., 不太... - not too..., 贵 - expensive, 非常 - extremely, 想 - want to, 便宜 - cheap,

Jinbu 2 Chapter4.1 At the supermarket (definition)


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