1) This is one of the hardest jigsaw puzzles I have ever completed. 2 2) I like to drink my juice through a straw. 2 3) My dog put his front paws on the table and gobbled up the strawberry pie. 4 4) Do you like to eat raw vegetables? 1* 5) We will watch the rocket launch at dawn tomorrow. 2 6) Paul said he needed to mow the lawn on Saturday. 2* 7) My mom asked me to help her fold the laundry. 2 8) The rabbits are having a great time with their fancy automobile. 3 9) The turtle took a huge bite of the strawberry. 3 10) Add 3 points! 11) I wonder if a rabbit and a fawn could be friends. 1* 12) Sorry- No points here. 13) The hawk spread his wings and soared through the air. 3 14) Lose a point. 15) These astronauts are ready for their rocket launch. 3

For Macie

Lyderių lentelė

Vizualinis stilius


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