1) What did the Pharisees and Sadducees ask Jesus to do? a) Teach them about God b) Tell why He did not keep the Sabbath c) Show them a sign from heaven d) All of the above 2) Jesus was pleased that the Pharisees and Sadducees asked for another sign. a) True b) False c) He was indifferent 3) What had the disciples forgotten to bring? a) yeast b) fish c) bread d) coffee 4) What did Jesus tell His followers to guard against? a) Roman soldiers b) the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees c) putting too much yeast in the bread 5) The people said Jesus was God's Son a) true b) just a good man c) false 6) Peter said Jesus is...? a) the Messiah, the Son of the living God b) a good teacher c) Elijah or another prophet 7) How did Peter know the correct answer? a) The answer came to Peter in a dream b) lucky guess c) God showed Peter who Jesus was 8) What did Jesus say would happen to Him? a) He would suffer, be killed and be raised to life b) He would live with the Gentiles and teach them about God c) He would move to another country to be safe 9) What did Peter say about this? a) "This is God's good plan." b) "Take me with you." c) "This shall never happen to you!" 10) Who was at work when Peter said "Never" to Jesus being killed and coming back to life? a) Satan b) Matthew c) God 11) Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must ...take up their cross and follow me." a) true b) false


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