1) Find the final stable syllable word? a) chair b) pplay c) Puzzle 2) Find the final stable syllable word? a) long b) apple c) bigsample 3) Find the final stable syllable word? a) sunshine b) pencil c) sample 4) Find the final stable syllable word? a) sparkle b) ruffle c) wiggle 5) Find the final stable syllable word? a) pointer b) wabble c) lantern 6) Find the final stable syllable word? a) popsicle b) sound c) board 7) Find the final stable syllable word? a) larger b) circle c) basket 8) Find the final stable syllable word? a) poster b) laptop c) noodle 9) Find the final stable syllable word? a) scribble b) write c) change 10) Find the final stable syllable word? a) later b) morning c) fable 11) Find the final stable syllable word? a) bubble b) recycle c) shuffle

Final Stable syllables Maze

Lyderių lentelė

Vizualinis stilius


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