1) She / a teacher 2) Elizabeth II / the queen of The United Kingdom 3) My dad / an inventor 4) she/ a woman 5) My best friend / bossy 6) We / at school 7) My parents / in town 8) My grandparents / from Ireland 9) I / from Poland 10) I / thirteen 11) I / at home 12) My mobile / very good 13) My friends / Robert and Wiktor 14) My uncle and aunt / from Poland 15) She / a singer 16) They / at home 17) They / cats 18) They / cats 19) The weather / sunny 20) It / windy 21) Lucy and Lisa / twins 22) It / her birthday 23) They / giraffes 24) The children / at school 25) Today / my birthday 26) Today / Wednesday 27) My parents / at work 28) My English teacher / friendly

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