1) My new house is _____ than the old one. a) bigger b) biger c) more big 2) Eduarda is ______ than Giovanna. a) younger b) old c) older 3) In my view, my old school was _____ than this one.  a) good b) better c) gooder 4) Today, it's ______ than yesterday. a) cold b) more cold c) colder 5) Scotland is __________ England. a) pretty b) prettier c) prettier than 6) This house is _____________ than the older one. a) more comfortable b) comfortabler 7) Adam Lavigne is ______________ than Chris Evans. a) talented b) more talented 8) Chris Evans is ____________ than Adam. a) handsomer b) more handsome 9) The situation is ______ than it used to be. a) badder b) worse 10) Prevention is ______ than cure. a) good b) gooder c) better

Comparatives Quiz

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