actor - a person who performs a role in a play, applause - hand clapping to show praise, cast of characters - all the people in who perfom in the play, comedy - a play intended to make an audience laugh, conflict - an internal or external problem that brings action to the plot, costume - clothing worn by an acor during a show, cue - signals given to people working on a play, dialogue - lines spoken between characters in a play, drama - a story or plau that is acted out using characters in situations that imitate real life, lead - the most important role in a play, musical - a play that features singing and dancing, opening night - the first performance of a play, plot - what happens in a story, props - ojects used by actors in a play, rehearsal - the act of practicing the play, role - a character in a play, run - the number oftimes a show is performed, scene - part of a play during which there is no change i nthe time or place, script - the written text of a play, set - the physical objects that suggest the world of the play, setting - where and when the play takes place, spot light - a strong beam of light that shines on a small area of the stage, stage - the area where actor perform, stage directions - part of the play script that contains special information for the actors, directors, and stage crew, tradegy - a play dealing with sad events and an unhappy ending,
Drama Vocabulary 4th grade
4th Grade
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