1) Who were you with last Sunday? 2) Where were you born? 3) Who was your best friend in elementary school? 4) How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle? 5) What was the weather like yesterday? 6) Where was your mother born? 7) What was your favorite sport when you were a kid? 8) What was your favorite TV show last year? 9) What was your favorite game as a child? 10) Where were you last Saturday afternoon? 11) How old were you five years ago? 12) What was your favorite toy when you were a child? 13) What bands were popular when you were a child? 14) What was the name of your first pet? 15) Where were you last Christmas? 16) Where were you last night? 17) Were your parents strict when you were a child? For example? 18) Who was your favorite teacher? Why?



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