If you had been born 100 years earlier, how would your life have been different?, If you had been born into a very rich family, how would your childhood have been different?, If you had been given a million euros or dollars for your birthday, how would you have spent it?, If the Allies hadn’t won World War II, how would the twentieth century have been different?, If somebody had invited you to an all-night rave last weekend, would you have gone?, If you had found a thousand euros or dollars in the street this morning, what would you have done?, If you had met a homeless person in the street this morning, would you have given them some money?, If you had been your country’s leader for the past 10 years, would you have done anything differently?, If you had been able to eat whatever you wanted as a child, what would you have eaten?, If you had been able to choose your career when you were a child, what would you have chosen?, If a bully at school had told you to give him your lunch money, would you have given it to him?, If you had been offered a potion at school to make you pass all your exams, would you have taken it?.
Jetstream Intermediate - Third Conditional Questions
Jetstream Intermediate
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