1) He ... just sliced the carrots. a) has b) have 2) They have already .... some milk. a) buy b) bought c) buyed 3) Ben has already ... a lot of pancakes. a) cooked b) cook c) cooking 4) You have just ... the eggs. a) beat b) beated c) beaten 5) She hasn't ...... the apple yet. a) bring b) brought c) bringed 6) Sally ... already added some sugar. a) have b) has 7) You .... just boiled some vegetables. a) has b) have 8) My parents .... already baked a cake. a) have b) has 9) Amanda has just .... the oranges.  a) eaten b) ate c) eat 10) We have already ... the onions. a) chop b) choped c) chopped

Present Perfect

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