1) What's (1355x56)+(56535435-27765)-(853256789996+334)x0= a) 137778667899098726 b) IDK c) 1987643323 d) 212337845678 e) 0 f) 1 2) What did the guy drop in Miss Reyes's Google form? a) Bowl of Noodles b) Croissant c) Pizza d) Vase e) Cookie f) Pie 3) What's Julia's favorite color? a) Pink b) Teal c) Red d) Purple e) Blue f) Nothing 4) What's Savannah's favorite animal? a) Snail b) Deer c) Dog d) Ew! Animals!!!! e) Black lab f) Cats 5) Who called Mrs Bradley "Hey!"? a) Haas b) Mason c) Wesley d) Edwin e) Ian f) Jacob 6) What college did Miss Reyes go to? a) Florida b) Auburn c) Notre dame d) She didn't e) St.Mary's f) Alabama


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