1) Погана погода змусила нас переглянут свій план. a) The bad weather caused us to reconsider our plan b) The weather caused for us reconsidering our plan c) The bad weather caused us for reconsider our plan d) The bad weather caused us to reconsidering our plan 2) Радимо перевірити веб-сайт. a) We recommend you to check the website b) We advise that you for checking the website c) We advise you to check the website d) You are recommended to checking the website 3) Вчителька змусила нас написати твір на 30 сторінок. a) The teacher makes us write thirty-page essay b) The teacher making us write the thirty-page essay c) The teacher made us write a thirty-page essay d) Teacher makes us to write a thirty-page essay 4) Її любов до морозива змусила її потовстіти. a) Her love of ice cream cause her to fatten b) Her loving of ice cream was caused her to get fat c) Her loving ice cream was caused her to fatten d) Her love of ice cream caused her to get fat 5) Радимо чистити зуби щодня. a) We advising you to brush your teeth daily b) We advise you to brush your teeth daily c) We are advising you to brushing your teeths daily 6) Ми радимо всім росіянам триматися подалі від України! a) We advise to all Russians to stay out of Ukraine b) We advise all Russians to stay out of Ukraine c) We all Russians advise stay out of Ukraine d) All Russians we advise to staying out of Ukraine 7) У школі вирішили скасувати спартакіаду a) The school decides canceling the sports day b) The school decided to cancel sports day c) The school was decided to cancel sports day d) At the school decided canceling sports day 8) Керівництво пропонує нам працювати більше a) The manager suggests that we work harder b) The management suggest us to work harder c) Management suggest to us to work harder d) Manager suggests working harder 9) Поліцейский має намір заарештувати злочиця a) The policeman intends arresting criminal b) The policeman intends arresting the criminal c) The policemen intends to arrest criminal d) The policeman intends to arrest the criminal 10) Я маю намір повернути вам гроші, які я позичив a) I intend to pay you back the money I borrowed b) I intend on return to you the money I borrowed c) I intend to return you back the money that I borrowed d) I intend on returning you back money which I borrowed 11) Я пропоную працювати більше, щоб ми могли піти додому a) I suggesting you to work harder so we can go home b) I suggest you to work harder so that we can go home c) I suggest working harder so we can go home d) I am suggest working harder so we can go to home 12) Було вирішено скасувати школу на решту дня a) It was decided to cancel school for the rest of the day b) Cancelling school for a rest of the day was decided c) It was decided to cancel a school for the rest of the day d) It's decides canceling the school for the rest of the day. 13) Вона має намір приготувати дивовижну страву a) She intends to cook an amazing meal b) She intends cooking an amazing meal c) She intends on to cook an amazing dish d) She intends to cook a amazing dish 14) Вони вирішили одружитися a) They decided to get married b) They decided getting married c) They made a decision to getting married d) They decided to getting married 15) Рецепт пропонує випікати печиво протягом 10 хвилин a) The recipe suggests to bake cookies for ten minutes b) A recipe suggests to bake cookies at ten minutes c) The recipe is suggesting to bake cookies at ten minutes d) The recipe suggests baking cookies for ten minutes 16) Інструкція рекомендує завжди носити маску a) The instructions recommend that you wear a mask at all times b) Instructions recommend that you wear a mask at all times c) The instructions recommend that you are wearing a mask at all times d) Instructions are recommending that you wear a mask always 17) Я рекомендую триматися від неї подалі a) I recommend to stay far away from her b) I recommend staying far away from her c) I recommend that you are staying far away from her d) I recommend staying from her far away

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