TOP DOWN APPROACH: Created by the FBI in the USA, Classifies crime scenes into 'organised' or 'disorganised' based on the crime scene, Believe offenders will fall into one of two main categories based on set typology/characteristics, Research into this method was conducted by interviewing 36 sexually motivated serial killers, Is primarily used for crimes with large crime scenes such as murders. , This method has 4 stages; gathering crime scene data, categorisation of crime scene, hypothesising and crime reconstruction, final profile generation, Uses a trained 'criminal profiler' who makes judgements on the crime scene, BOTTOM UP APPROACH: Created by the British , Includes geographical profiling- mapping offences on a map to predict later offences and bases of operations. , Uses 'smallest space analysis' which is a statistical technique for analysing crime scene data, Believes that criminal behaviour is predictable and has a distinct pattern which can be statistically worked out, This theory says criminals could be identified as marauders or commuters based on their crime locations, Does not use a 'profiler' to make judgements but uses computer algorithms to create profiles, Research came from Canter who found it was beneficial after studying 120 murder cases,

Offender profiling: Top-down vs. Bottom-up

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