achievement - Finishing the course gave me a real sense of _______________, annual bonus - The _________ __________ will be paid at the end of this month, appreciation - They didn't show any ______________ for what we'd done, attendance reward - We offer generous __________ __________to our staff if they go to work, company car - With her new job she gets a ________ ____. Good that she drives., compensation plan - When you leave the company we will offer you a very attractive _______ ______., feel valued - She left her job because she didn't ________ ________, performance - The new management techniques aim to improve______________, non-cash rewards - Employees appreciate _______ _________ such as free gifts or travel vouchers, on-time - You have completed the task before the deadline. You are entitled to an______ bonus., praise - His manager is full of ______ for his work.He has really done good job., medical insurance - All senior employees get private _________ _________, so you do not have to worry about the doctor, deadline - I sent my application in too late and missed the ________,

Business Result upper unit 2 test

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