сколько времени? - What time is it? What's the time?, 6:10 - It's six ten. It's ten after six., 6:15 - It's six fifteen. It's quarter after six., 6:20 - It's six twenty. It's twenty after six., 6:30 - It's six thirty. It's half past six., 6:20 / без двадцати 7 - It's six forty. It's twenty to seven., 6:45 / без пятнадцати 7 - It's six forty-five. It's a quarter to seven., 6:55/ без пяти 7 - It's six fifty-five. It's five to seven., 6:54 / без четырех минут 7 - It's six fifty-six. It's four minutes to seven., Зови меня Jenny - Call me Jenny, Добро пожаловать в ____ - Welcome to London., Я опоздал? - немного - Am I late? - Just a little., Я хотел бы чашечку кофе - I'd like a cup of coffee., в 9 утра (вечера) - at nine a.m./ p.m., напитки и пирожные - drinks and cakes, цена - price, Сколько стоит? - How much is it?, Могу я вам помочь? - Can I help you?, Что вы хотели бы? - What would you like?, что-нибудь еще? - Anything else?, ваша сдача - your change, Хотели бы вы что-нибудь попить? - Would you like something to drink?, В какое время следующее собрание? - What time is my next meeting?, Поговорим с тобой позже - Talk to you later., офис очень рядом - the office is very near, офис не далеко отсюда - the offive isn't far from here, обычный / большой(кофе) - regular/large, Можно мне латте, пожалуйста? - Can I have a latte, please?,
AEF 1 Social English episode 2- At a coffee shop
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