1) _____________ apples are there? a) How much b) How many 2) ____________ sisters have you got? a) How much  b) How many 3) ____________ water is there? a) How much b) How many 4) ___________ meat is there in the fridge? a) How much b) How many 5) _____________ oranges are there? a) How much b) How many 6) ____________ juice is there? a) How much b) How many 7) ____________ bread have we got? a) How much b) How many 8) ____________ sugar is there? a) How much b) How many 9) ____________ tomatoes do you need to make a salad? a) How much b) How many 10) ____________ biscuits do you want? a) How much b) How many 11) ____________ mangoes are there ? a) How much b) How many 12) ____________ flour is there? a) How much b) How many 13) ____________ butter do you need for the cake? a) How much b) How many

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