If I'd been born fifty years earlier..., I wouldn't be here now if ..., If Michael Jackson hadn't died..., If I hadn't bought my smartphone..., If the weather is nice this weekend..., If I had been born in a different country..., If I could learn something really fast..., If someone made me a very expensive present..., What would you have done if you had been a Pharaoh?, If the car hadn't been invented... (result now), If we turned green whenever we lied..., Supposing electricity hadn't been discovered..., In case a police officer stops me..., I'd be richer today if..., If I could go anywhere in the world..., If I had a time machine..., Whenever I feel tired..., If I had listened to my mom..., When I get a job abroad..., Even if I had only six months to live..., Imagine you'd been born the opposite sex, how would your life be different?, The Titanic wouldn't have sunk if ..., I wouldn't have connected to class today if..., If Columbus hadn't discovered America..., If I were a bit bolder..., If I were you..., Had I started learning English earlier..., If my wallet was stolen..., Unless I'm busy at the weekend ..., Supposing I lived in Australia....
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