1) ___1995, I was living ___ London. a) in/in b) at/in c) at/at 2) He was ___ university there - he was studying medicine. a) on b) in c) at 3) ___ Sundays we always went for a walk. a) in b) on c) at 4) We were walking ___ gardens one Sunday ___ autumn. a) in/in b) at/at c) on/on 5) They usually have dinner ___ 5pm. a) in b) on c) at 6) It's usually so hot ___ the afternoon but ____ night it gets chilly. a) in/in b) on/at c) in/at 7) - Are you ___ a bus already? - Sorry, I'm still ___ home. I'll be late a bit. a) in/in b) on/at c) in/at 8) - Where's dad? - Cooking dinner ___ the kitchen. a) at b) on c) in 9) My birthday is ___ May 13th. a) in b) on c) at 10) Look at this picture ___ the wall. It was taken ___ New York. a) at/in b) on/in c) on/at

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