Plan your trip. - Look at a map before you go. Think about the time you need to arrive at your destination and places where perhaps there is a lot of traffic., Is your car ready? - Accidents sometimes happen because cars are in bad condition. Check the engine, the lights, and the wheels. Take the car to the garage if necessary., Make sure everything is in the car. - Put your bags and everything you want to take with you in the hall the night before. Don't forget essential documents like passports or ID cards, and of course your driver's license., Keep awake. - Being tired is very dangerous for drivers. If you are tired, stop at a service station. Have a coffee or sleep for 15 minutes. In the car, open the windows and turn the radio on., Have fun! - Children are often difficult during long trips. Take games, for example, computer games or word games, and iPods to listen to music. And don't forget things to eat and drink.,

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