New Year’s - おしょうがつ, Coming of Age Day - せいじんのひ, Bean Throwing Festival, Beginning of Spring - せつぶん, Girl’s Day - ひなまつり, flower viewing - はなみ  , Children’s Day - こどものひ, Star Festival - たなばた, Festival of the Dead - おぼん  , festival - まつり  , Sports Day - たいいくのひ, Shichi Go San - しちごさん, Labor Thanksgiving Day - きんろうかんしゃのひ  , Emperor’s Birthday - てんのうたんじょうび  , Valentine's Day - barentain de-, White Day - howaito de-, Mother's Day - ははのひ, Father's Day - ちちのひ,

J1U5: Holidays / Festivals


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