1) ‘I can’t sing at all,’ he ___. a) admitted b) accepted 2) He is unwilling to ___ being jealous of his brother. a) admit b) accept 3) Clarke ___ his disappointment at the court’s decision, but said he would fight on. a) admitted b) accepted 4) He ___ the invitation to stay with us. a) admitted b) accepted 5) Please ___ this small gift. a) admit b) accept 6) ___it! I'm right, aren't I? a) admit b) accept 7) Dana ___feeling hurt by what I had said. a) admitted b) accepted 8) It gives me great pleasure to ___ this award. a) admit b) accept 9) They offered her a job, and she ___ without hesitation. a) admitted b) accepted

EGE_Multiple Choice_ Test 1

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