What reservations am I still holding on to?, Where do I have room to grow?, What convinces me that I can't use successfully anymore?, How do I embrace differences and still practice unity?, What is anonymity and how important is it?, In what ways have I begun to be honest in my recovery?, How does feeling accepted influence my attitudes and actions?, What have I heard in recovery that I have trouble believing?, What difference have you made to yourself and others by being clean?, In what way has my addiction been manifesting itself most recently?, What do I have hope about today?, When did I recognize my addiction was a problem?, Do I accept responsibility for my life and my actions??, In what do I believe?, Why is having a closed mind harmful to my recovery?, What fears do I have that are getting in the way of my trust?, How have hope, faith, and trust become positive forces in my life?, What are the benefits of not procrastinating?, What values and principles are important to me?, Who or what do I fear and why?, Have I felt like a victim in my relationships?, Do I become a different person depending on who is around?, How can I change my behavior to have healthy relationships?, What does a healthy relationship mean to me?, What qualities do I have that work well for me?, What qualities do I have that others like?, What qualities do I have that I like? , How have I shown concern for myself and others?, What are my goals, and have I accomplished any of them?, Which values am I committed to living by?, How am I showing my gratitude for my recovery?, To what extent have I developed love and compassion for myself and others?, How am I increasing my trust in the God of my understanding?, How am I demonstrating my commitment to recovery today?, Do I accept myself today? What do I like about myself?, What attitudes have changed since I've been in recovery?, Have I asked my sponsor for guidance?, Am I beginning to feel connected with others?.
NA recovery Wheel
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