1) Hit all the syllable patterns: open, cle a) bugle b) maple c) chuckle d) steeple e) kindle f) stable 2) Hit all the syllable patterns: closed, cle a) bugle b) maple c) chuckle d) steeple e) kindle f) puzzle 3) Hit all the syllable patterns: closed, cle (these words are fake) a) todle b) raple c) frickle d) meatle e) winple f) lizzle 4) Hit all the LONG vowel words (these words are fake) a) todle b) raple c) frickle d) meatle e) winple f) lizzle 5) Hit all the rhyming pairs a) little, whittle b) ripple, steeple c) pimple, simple d) needle, noodle e) bugle, buggle f) simple, sample

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