1) Anti- a) Against b) Not c) A person who, or inclined to Ex. accountant, d) State or quality e) Full of; having the quality of 2) Un- a) Against b) Not c) A person who, or inclined to Ex. accountant, d) State or quality e) Full of; having the quality of 3) -ant a) Against b) Not c) A person who, or inclined to Ex. accountant, d) State or quality e) Full of; having the quality of 4) -tion a) Against b) Not c) A person who, or inclined to Ex. accountant, d) State or quality e) Full of; having the quality of 5) -ious a) Against b) Not c) A person who, or inclined to Ex. accountant, d) State or quality e) Full of; having the quality of

Week 5 Words

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Vizualinis stilius


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