1) Click the word that is a CLOSED syllable. a) gym b) type c) cry 2) Pick the word that is -VCE syllable. a) gem b) nylon c) type 3) Pick the word that is an OPEN syllable. a) by b) bye c) buy 4) Pick the CLOSED syllable word. a) ago b) express c) hello 5) Pick the OPEN syllable word. a) so-so b) some c) sum 6) Pick the word that has a UNIT in it. a) mustang b) brig c) fleck 7) Pick the 2 words that has Y as LONG i a) sky b) candy c) shy d) picky 8) Pick the 2 words that has Y as LONG e a) why b) itchy c) spy d) money 9) Pick the word that has BOSSY R in it. a) branch b) strong c) thirsty 10) Pick the 2 words that has a Y as a vowel  a) yacht b) yoga c) happy d) July 



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