apple of one's eye - a person that is adored by someone, (have a) bun in the oven - be pregnant, bad egg - a person who is often in trouble, big cheese - very important person (VIP), bread and butter - necessities, the main thing, bring home the bacon - earn the income, butter someone up - be extra nice to someone (usually for selfish reasons), (have one's) cake and eat it too - want more than your fair share or need, carrot top - person with red or orange hair, cheesy - silly, cool as a cucumber - very relaxed, cream of the crop - the best, (don't) cry over spilled milk - get upset over something that has happened and cannot be changed, (not my) cup of tea - something you enjoy (usually used negatively), full of beans - have a lot of (silly) energy, hot potato - a controversial or difficult subject, in a nutshell - simply, nuts about something, someone - like a lot, one smart cookie - a very intelligent person, piece of cake - very easy, spill the beans - reveal the truth, use your noodle - use your brain,
food idioms
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