Complementary medicine - is a collection of practices and methods of treatment used with conventional medicine., Alternative medicine - is a collection of practices and methods of treatment used in place, Whole medicine - CAM systems based on theory and practices that have evolved earlier than conventional medicine., Whole medicine - naturopathic medicine, Chinese medicine (e.g., acupuncture), chiropractic medicine, osteopathic medicine, and Ayurvedic medicine,, Mind-body medicine - uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health, Mind-body medicine - a treatment type that involves techniques such as meditation, prayer, spiritual healing, art, music, dance, pet therapy, play therapy, and aromatherapy., Biologically based practices - use substances found in nature, Biologically based practices - herbs and herbal supplements, hydrotherapy. foods, dietary supplements, vitami, Manipulative practices - techniques based on movement of one or more parts of the body., Manipulative practices - chiropractic and osteopathic therapies, massage therapy, yoga, Tai Chi, acupressure, and reflexology.-, Energy medicines - based on the interactions of the human energy field with other energy fields (human or other), Energy medicines - Reiki, therapeutic touch, Qi gong, magnet therapy, crystal therapy, acupuncture, Tai Chi, electrical therapy, yoga, and light therapy.,
CAM therapies/treatments
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