Nondedicated server - Performs multiple tasks such as hosting a website and serving as a workstation, Fileshare/file server - Central repository for users to store, manage and access files on the network, Storage Area Network (SAN) - A dedicated network storage facility the provides access to data storage over a high-speed network., Syslog - Centralized logging server that records logins and numerous other administrative events, Facility code - For syslog users, this is a number between 0 and 23 that identifies the type of device sending the message, Syslog server - Collects and stores messages and is made of three components: the listener, a database and management/filtering software, Triple A of access control - Authentication, authorization and Accounting, Domain controller - Centralized authentication server, Authentication - A method for confirming users' identities. May be single or multifactor, Authorization - Users are allowed to perform only specific tasks on specific objects, Permissions - Group of privileges that define what specific users can do within a system, Least privilege - Granting users only the access required to perform their job functions, Accounting - Tracking of data, computer usage and network resources, Spam Gateway - Blocks malicious emails from entering a network, Unified Threat Management (UTM) - Centralizes security management so admins can manage all their security hardware and software through a single device or interface, Load balancing - Distributing a workload across multiple systems to avoid a slowdown, Legacy system - Old system that will soon be useless, Embedded system - One that is critical in a process because other systems or processes depend on it., Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) - High-level management systems that are used to control manufacturing machines and processes, Internet of Things - System in which everyday objects are connected to the Internet and communicate information throughout an interconnected system,
Understanding Network Services (220-1101, Unit 8.1)
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