producer - a person who makes goods or products to sell, transportation - the moving of goods, people, or animals from one place to another, profit - the money left over after costs are paid, technology - the development and use of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, communication - the way that people send and receive information, opportunity cost - what is given up when one thing is chosen over another, demand - the amount of an item that consumers ware willing to buy at different prices, urban - in the city, interdepentdent - when regions rely on one another for goods, services, or resources, need - something that a person must have in order to live, consumer - a person who buys goods and services, globalization - the process by which a business makes something or provides a service in different places around the world, rural - in small towns or farms, want - something that a person would like to have but can live without, economy - the way in which the resources of a country, state, region,, or community are managed, barter - trading one kind of good or service for another, supply - the amount of an item someone has to sell, free enterprise system - a system in which businesses have the right to produce any good or service that they want,
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