abrupt - Happening suddenly, without warning , Achieve - To do what one sets out to do., achieve - Something done that takes skill or effort , Attempt - to try; to make an effort , attempt - a try , contempt - a feeling that someone or something is bad or unworthy , Entertain - to interest and amuse , entertain. - to have guests , entertain - to have in mind , Glimpse - to get a quick look at , glimpse - a quick or hasty look, Mock - to make fun of , mock - not real; pretend , persist. - to keep on doing or trying , Persist - to go on , persisT - sticking to something; not giving up , persist - refusing to give up , Persuade - to win someone over by arguing or asking , persuade - having the power to persuade , phase - a stage in a series of changes , quaint - odd or unusual in a pleasing or old fashioned way , Recall - to remember , recall - to call or take back , Reject - to refuse to accept or use , reject - something that falls short of what is acceptable , Revise - to go over carefully in order to correct or improve , revise - to change in order to bring up to date , Sensitive - quick to notice or feel , sensitive - easily affected by even slight change ,
Wordly Wise Lesson 5
Redaguoti turinį
Lyderių lentelė
Rodyti daugiau
Rodyti mažiau
Ši lyderių lentelė šiuo metu yra privati. Spustelėkite
, kad ji būtų vieša.
Ši lyderių lentelė buvo išjungta išteklių savininko.
Ši lyderių lentelė yra išjungta, nes jūsų parinktys skiriasi nuo nustatytų išteklių savininko.
Grąžinti parinktis
Rask tinkamą
yra neterminuotas šablonas. Jis negeneruoja rezultatų lyedrių lentelei.
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