1) The yarn is about 5 centimeters long. What the best estimate for the length of the crayon? a) 10 centimenters b) 5 centimenters c) 20 centimenters 2) The string is about 12 centimeters long. What the best estimate for the length of the straw? a) 3 cm b) 11 cm c) 7 cm 3) The rope is about 8 centimeters long. What the best estimate for the length of the paper clip? a) 2 centimenters b) 4 centimenters c) 8 centimenters 4) The pencil is about 11 centimeters long. What the best estimate for the length of the chain? a) 6 centimenters b) 10 centimenters c) 13 centimenters 5) The hair clip is about 7 centimeters long. What the best estimate for the length of the yarn? a) 10 cm b) 17 cm c) 22 cm 6) The ribbon is about 13 centimeters long. What the best estimate for the length of the string? a) 5 cm b) 11 cm c) 17 cm 7) Use the ruler. What is the length of the remote to the nearest centimeter? a) 9 cm b) 10 cm c) 11cm d) 12 cm 8) *LOOK CAREFULLY AT THE RULER * - What is the length of the string to the nearest centimeter?  a) 9 centimeters b) 8 centimeters c) 7 centimeters d) 6 centimeters 9) Andy has a string that is 16 cm long. He cuts 9 cm off. How many centimeters of string does he have left? a) 5 cm b) 6 cm c) 7 cm d) 8 cm 10) A chain of paper clips is 18 centimeters long. Sondra adds 6 centimeters of paper clips to the chain. How long is the chain now? a) 18 cm b) 20 cm c) 22 cm d) 24 cm

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