cmd.exe - Command Prompt for Microsoft Management Console, dir Command - Displays a list of the files and folders/subdirectories within a directory, cd (chdir) Command - Makes changes to the specified directory, md (mkdir) Command - Makes a directory in the specified path, remdir Command - Removes (deletes) the specified directory, ipconfig Command - Helps diagnose network problems with the OS, ipconfig/All - Lists adapters and each one's assigned IP address, subnet mask, and default gate, ipconfig/release switch - Releases the IP address, ipconfig/renew switch - Renews the lease of an IP address, ipconfig/flushdns switch - Used to flush the local DNS cache, ping Command - Used to verify network connectivity via ICMP packets, tracert Command - Allow the network admin to verify the path a network packet travels to its destination, pathping Command - Used to diagnose packet loss to a destination website., netstat Command - Used to view listening and established network connections for the OS, nslookup Command - Used to resolve DNS problems by verifying that DNS is working correctly , hostname Command - Returns the hostname of the computer the admin has the command prompt open on,

Command-Line Tools I (220-1102, Unit 15.2)

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