1) How does your family decide who does various chores around the house? 2) Can you name some chores that need to be done everyday? 3) What chores are your responsibility? 4) Which chores do you not like to do? 5) Do you get pocket money for doing chores? 6) What is something you hate doing when you get home? 7) Do you like to clean up your room? 8) Do you wash the dishes in your house? 9) Do you wash clothes for your family? 10) Do you iron the clothes? 11) What are some chores people do outside the house? 12) Can you think of some dangerous chores that you can't do? 13) If you could buy only one of this two things, would you choose a dishwasher or a washing machine? 14) How long do you think you could live without doing household chores? 15) Do you like to go to the supermarket? 16) What kind of products does your family buy on the Internet? 17) If you could have a robot to do 3 chores, what would you choose for it to do? 18) What chores do you do that your parents didn't have to do when they were growing up? 19) What are some chores that your parents have to do around the house? 20) Do your grandparents help with chores?

Household chores. Questions

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