Vocabulary - These are the words that are used to communicate either a written or a spoken message, Denotative - A words main meaning, not including the feelings and ideas that people may connect with that word, Brevity - The shortest, simplest communication is usually most effective, Timing - Knowing when to communicate allows the receiver to be more attentive to the message., Pacing - The rate of speech can communicate a meaning to the receiver, Intonation - The tone of voice can communicate a variety of feelings., Appearance - The way that someone or something looks, Posture - The position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting, Gait - A person's manner of walking, Facial expressions - One or more motions or positions of the muscles beneath the skin of the face, Eye contact - This can be intense or avoided, depending on a client's culture, Gestures - movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning., Sounds - Sighs, grunts, or other non verbal noise, Territoriality - The monopolization of space by an individual or group, Personal space - the physical space immediately surrounding someone, Silence - complete absence of sound, helpful to let a client express their emotions, Caring attitude - Showing concern and facilitate an emotional connection with the client and the client’s family, Honesty - Be open, direct, truthful, and sincere, Trust - Demonstrate reliability without doubt or question, Empathy - Convey an objective awareness and understanding of the feelings, emotions, and behaviors of others, including trying to envision what it must be like to be in the position of the client and the client’s family,
Verbal and Non Verbal Communication- N222
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