rice - Fits into the grains group MyPlate, Goes great with stir-fry., food - Eat a variety of _______ from all of the groups., guide - MyPlate is a _______ to help you eat a variety of foods for a healthy body., eggs - You can hard-boil, scramble, fry, or poach these, or eat them as an omelet, How do you like your ________?, vegetables - Broccoli and green beans are examples of a ____________-., fat - Try fat-free or low _____ foods when you can., poultry - Chicken and turkey are examples of _______?, breads - Use whole-grain _______ for your sandwiches., pasta - Spaghetti is a type of __________. , nuts - These are great source of protein and can be mixed with cereal and dried fruit for "on-the-go" snack. , oils - Vegetable or olive ________ are often used for cooking and are part of a healthful diet., beans - Pinto, kidney, black, refried--- there are lots of different kinds and they can be eaten lots different ways , fruit - Apples, oranges, and bananas fit into this food group. , Plate - Use My_______ as a guide., carrots - _______ are an orange vegetable. , fish - Salmon and trout are examples of _____________., cheese - Cheddar, swiss, mozzarella, monterey jack are examples of ________.,
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