1) x3 y3 z3 K equals? a) 42 b) 75 c) 54 d) 53 e) 93 f) 68 2) What would you do if you found a dead body in a hotel room? a) Tell the manager b) Scream c) Call help for someone 3) If bald people work in a restaurant, do they still need to wear a hairnet? a) Yes b) No 4) Which one would you prefer: have no nose but have really good smelling fingers or be blind but have a really nice smile? a) no nose really good smelling fingers b) be blind but have a nice smile 5) If you have described something as indescribable, haven’t you already described it? a) Yes b) No 6) Which one would you choose: be alive and alone or about to die with a group of friends? a) be alive but alone b) about to die with a group of friends 7) How many pennies do you think would fit into this room? a) 10000 b) 1000 c) 100 d) 690 8) Is it possible to hear someone's iPod while they're running at maximum speed? a) yes b) no 9) Have you ever attempted to swallow toothpaste? a) No b) Yes 10) Do fish have a thirst for water? a) Yes b) No 11) Why is sandwich meat round when bread is square? a) because it is a sandwich and the sandwich foods are like almost the shape of sandwich bread b) Nothing c) just for coolness 12) Which would be the nicest if animals could only talk? a) cat b) dog c) lion 13) If you punch yourself in the face and it hurts, are you weak or strong? a) weak cus it is you and its cus if you do something like it it doesnt b) strong c) weak 14) What are two things that you think are normal, but become really strange when you do them repeatedly? a) playing games b) planting plants c) killing someoene d) going to the toilet 15) What’s the color of the mirror? a) blue and white b) blue c) white d) invisible 16) What do you usually think about while you are on the toilet? a) your mama b) your dada c) look at your phone d) think about games 17) Which superpower would you not want? a) Flying b) Noclipping c) more lighter 18) Will someone ever be able to live forever? a) yes b) no 19) What’s your most favorite pooping position? a) sitting b) walking c) flying like a bird 20) When you know the battery is dead, why do you press harder on the remote control? a) just for fun and for being angry b) for not seeing the battery c) nothing d) because its dead like and you want to revive it so you heart massage 21) Have you ever been tempted to sleep inside the fridge? a) yes b) no 22) Suppose you have been given an elephant and you can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with it? a) put it in the trash b) feed it and live with him c) kill him 23) Why do you lower the volume on the radio when you're driving and looking for an address? a) for nothing b) for fun c) you want to say something to the floor 24) What is the highest number that anyone has ever counted? a) 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 googol googol b) 999 trillion c) 0 d) -999999999999999999999999999999 25) What have you forgotten today? a) what i ate b) what i played c) my life 26) Which of the two would you prefer to have as your roommate: A bird or an ostrich? a) bird b) ostrich 27) Why do you think 11 isn’t pronounced onety-one? a) just for fun b) nothing c) cus the name will be weird 28) Have you ever dropped food on the floor accidentally and then picked it up to eat it? a) yes 10000000000 googol times b) yes c) no 29) Are we really living or just slowly dying? a) we are living b) we are already dead c) just slowly dying 30) Do you think a short person can “talk down” to a taller person? a) no b) yes 31) Have you ever had an extremely bad haircut? a) yes 2 years 10 months b) no c) no! cus you dont cut your hair 32) Is it weird to enjoy the smell of your own fart? a) yes b) no 33) Where does your idea go when it has already been forgotten? a) next to god b) bin c) forgotten memories game on roblox 34) How many times a day do you check yourself in front of the mirror? a) 69 times b) 1 c) 5 35) How long do you think will you be remembered after the day that you die? a) a year cus its so hard to forgot cus its sad b) a day c) a second d) a minute 36) Are you keeping a really huge secret from someone you love? a) yes my secret is i dont love my love b) no c) yes 37) Why does the sun make our hair lighter but make our skin darker? a) because god makes us like that sometimes b) for fun c) for nothing 38) Why does raindrop but snow falls? a) because rain is not that heavier but snow is b) for nothing c) for fun d) god controlls everytime 39) Have you ever peed while sleeping? a) yea, but sometimes b) yes c) no 40) Do you think you would be friends with a clone of yourself? a) no i will hate him because he will copy my avatar in roblox b) yes c) no d) no i would kill him and ban him from roblox 41) What was the worst song that was ever composed? a) my grandma and my grandpas songs b) 1990 songs c) weird songs 42) Have you ever tried eating a piece of paper? a) Yes b) No c) i tested it was like hot mamas 43) What do you think existed before the universe? a) God b) Nothing c) SUPER GALAXY GOD 44) What was the weirdest text message you’ve ever got? a) į̷̨̛̙̥̝̰͚͈̙̘̥̪̺͉͕̱͈͖͈͇̬̝͓͍̦͍̼̼̭̼̖̿̿̾͗́͌̿̍̄̓̏́̈̃̍͋̈́̈͑̄̈̀̇͌͊̆̎̃̐̒̌̅̾̕͝͝ ̶̛̮̩̯̠̎͊̊́̉́̇̑͒̈́͝w̸̨̮̫̗̠̽̅̈́͒͌̐̉̒́̍̾̅̄̀̉̿̽́̀̂̊̏͑͛͊̋͂̈́̄̃̆͘͠͠ȧ̴̡̨̗̻̣̺̙̟͕͔͈͈̹̽̚n̸̢̛͂̉͗̏̆́̍̃̽͋̌̉̏̏͊̾͒̌̉́̎͑̏̑͛̕͝͠ņ̷̢̡̧̛̛̠̭̘̱̥̣̙̺̬̤̙̞̤̘̦͎̠̟͕̜͔̦̦͈͓͕̭̲̦̹̟̈́͐͋̔̈́̔̈́͛̑̔̉̏̇̈̉̑͂̋̕͘ͅả̸̙͋͐̄̒̒͑̏̚̚͠ ̶̧̤̮̘̝̮͓̲̻̤̦͔̭͚̹̤͕̠̘̀̒͋̉̃̆̎̿̄̈́̾͂̕͘͘͘͝͠͝ş̸̨̡̧͍̪̤̝͇͈͉͖̯̼̹͕̙̻̳̞̼̳̻̩͍͇͎̩̫͓̣̗̖̥̼͖̹͕̝͖͑̃̿͂̐̿̓͒͗͋̾́̏̊͋͐̓̀͘̚͝͝͝ͅư̶̡̡̧̢͖̣̮̣̣̥̻̩̮̱̖̣̙̳͎̞̮̤̼̹̘̣̣̰̫̥̩̯͎̮̦͒̽̃͂͒̇̓͊͒̈́̂͑̒̀̅͒̊ç̴̨̛̩̲̰̖͙͈̖͈͕̠̪̜̺̭̈́̋̓̓̓̉̒̀̈́̀̊̔̌̎̆̑̈́͑͠͝͝͝͝k̸̢̧̯͎̹̟̦̀̊̓̂̽͗̃̏͑̏̄̈́́̓̑͛̈́̈́͌̈́̏̽͊̓̄̔̅̄͘̚͠͠͠ ̸̡̨͈̥̬̟̻̗̱̩͈̝̫͈̜̭̭̤̭̮̱̗̳̜̟͌̽̓̿̓͌͋̉͊̔̀̚͜͝y̷̢̡̨̢̩̞̤̞͇͔̹̼̠͔͈̮̥͇̭̼͇̹̰͓̼̩̪̗̰͓̜̬̫͒̽ͅͅo̵̧̡̢̨̨̨̡̧̻͕͇̙̣̙̙̗͖̱̮̟̬̥͖̫̻̰̯̫̬͎̲͇̝̻̤̥̙̜͊͌̆̒̔̍͊̽͆̎̔̾̍̓̃͆͆̔̿́̋͗̎̎̾̋̕̕͠ư̴̧̧͍̫̜̬̤̰̙̠͔̤͕̖̗̼͕̰̜̞̯̰̝͉̱̻̱͔̼̽̑̓̈́̋͑̓̂̈́̈̿̔́̈́̈́̈́̋̀͗́͌͘̚͜͜͜͝͝r̴̛̛̛͚̬̣͚̬̖̮͍͚̐̅̌͛̔̑͌̍̈̏̐͂̍͂̅̽̐͌̓̽̉̽͛̓͌͘̚̕̕͝ ̴̢̡̛̛̛͕̺͖͖͇̯͚̣͕̜̫̗͉͔̘͂͒͑̄͑́̔̂̀̄͒̆̆̀͑͊̌̍̈́̑̈́̆̚̕͘͜͝͠͝b̵̨͖̟̲̗͚͈̘̼̱̯͔͕̘̙̙̬͍̻͓͕̺̲̟͉̩͙̜̉̍̾͊̍̓͑͂̿̑̏͗̈́̃̔̀͗͒͋͛̕̚̕͜͠l̷̡̗̫͍̠͉̲͎͍̤̂͛̌́̓̚ͅo̴̢̖͈̝̬͇̞̩̭͍̯͚̪͖̟̭̤̩͔̘͊͛̐̈̆̋͗̅̉̇̒͗̾͌̏̉̉̋̌͂̊o̵̧̧̢̞̣̞̭̩̮͕̳̩͈̩̬͉̝͍͚̱̱̻͔̮̖͐̓̈́̇̍̃̔̍̉̈́͘͜͜͝͝ͅd̵̢̨͔̱͉̗̘̪̝̟̪̳͇̼͕̬̪̥̜̜͓͎̮̹͕͎̪̘͊̈͆̈̐̊͑̾̾̈́̓́̈́̚̕͜͝͝͝ͅ b) i wanna kill you c) whats your adress 45) When was the last time you screamed your lungs out? a) April 1st 2012 b) 27 September 2015 c) 27 December 1770 46) What sound would be the most horrifying if you could hear it? a) breathe sounds b) monster sounds c) your mama 47) If an orange is color orange, why isn’t a lemon called a yellow or a lime called a green? a) because it will be stupid b) because it will be not in fit c) because it will break the fruits 48) What is the longest time you have gone without showering? a) 1 mon b) 2 mon c) 3 week 49) Isn't it strange that rearranging the word "teacher" gives "cheater"? a) yes b) no 50) Why is your head sticking out from your t-shirt? a) because for fun b) for nothing 51) Have you ever been tempted to slap someone you’re talking to while you’re talking to them? a) yes b) yes for everytime i get mad for my friends 52) Do the FBI have to pay if they break down your door a) yes b) no 53) Can you cry underwater? a) yes b) no c) no because it wipes your cry 54) Is it possible for fish to be seasick? a) no but yes b) yes but no c) yes d) no e) no*\\\\\**xd*c* f) xxxo 55) When we can't sleep, why do we count sheep but not dogs? a) cus dogs are dangerous b) cus sheeps are white c) cus sheeps are sleepfull 56) What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had? a) normal jobss b) pooping on people stuff c) bank 57) Do stairs go up or go down? a) up b) down c) both ways 58) Which one would you rather walk around with: a salad on your head or broccoli on your arms? a) a salad on your head b) brocoli on your arms c) take whatever you are wearing off 59) If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, where does baby oil come from? a) from babies b) from god c) from no one d) from flamingos 60) What do you call a question with no answer? a) queno b) questnoweran c) queswteran 61) Why is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia such a long term if it means "a fear of long words?" a) for fun b) for nothing c) its weird i wanna quit 62) is this a rikroll https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ click it and see a) yes..... b) no...... c) yes........... d) no.. e) yes. f) no 63) Why do we kill people who kill people if killing people is wrong? a) because bad people try to kill us and we need kill them too b) for nothing c) for fun 64) Are the animals homeless because they don't have a home? a) yes b) no c) no cus the some animals have one 65) Can the word “dictionary” be found in the dictionary? a) yes b) no 66) Do you yawn when sleeping? a) yes b) no 67) When you die, do your eyes change color? a) no b) yes 68) What time was the world created? a) 69:69 b) 21232323:342323 69) What happens if you eat yourself? Will you disappear or grow twice as big? a) nothing will happen b) disappear c) grow twice as big

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