What is the best gift you have ever received?, What is the worst gift you've ever received? , Do you have a favorite Christmas song?, What holidays does your family celebrate in winter?, Does your family have any holiday traditions?, How early do you start decorating for your favorite holiday?, What is your favorite holiday movie?, What is your favorite holiday song?, Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?, What is your favorite winter activity?, Would you rather have wet socks or a jacket without a hood?, What is your favorite snow memory?, What is your favorite hot beverage to drink in winter?, Have you ever been on a winter trip?, What is your favorite winter sport?, Would you rather build a snowman or have a snowball fight?, What is your favorite winter movie?, What is the best cookie?, What are your favorite desserts during winter?, What is your favorite part of winter break?, What is something simple you look forward to doing during winter break? , Who do you spend most of your time with over winter break?, Would you rather have a reindeer as a pet, or your own personal elf?, If you could create a new winter holiday, what would it be and how would you celebrate?, If you could change one thing about winter break what would you change and why?, Do you like candy canes, why or why not?, What is a seasonal winter flavor that you look forward to all year?, If you could spend a day at the north pole, who would you hope to see and why?, What is your favorite winter song?, If you could travel anywhere in the world over winter break where would you go and why?.
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