1) Tennis is probably the most popular sport played with a racquet. Which of the following lesser known sports is played with a racquet as well?  a) Badminton b) Croquet 2) Which of the following is NOT a popular surface for tennis courts?  a) Hard Court b) Wood 3) What is a player assigned when he/she serves a ball outside the service box?  a) Fault b) Hazzard 4) If a player serves two faults in a row, he or she will _____________.  a) Lose two points b) Lose a point 5) What tennis swing is used when a player needs to hit a ball on the opposite side of the racquet hand?  a) Backhand b) Serve 6) Which of the following swings is generally weaker?  a) Backhand b) Forehand 7) Which of the following types of physical conditioning may be most important to a tennis player?  a) Muscular strength b) Aerobic endurance c) Flexibility d) All of the above 8) Which of the following is NOT a typical tennis competition?  a) Doubles b) Triples 9) The ____________ is used to start each volley.   a) Serve b) Backhand 10) ____________ occurs when a server hits two faults in a row.   a) Double Fault & Loss of Point b) Lose of serve

Unit 3 Lesson 3 Tennis Skills and Rules Test 1 M3.04.01

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