Tell what you're proud of achieving last year, Tell what changes are about to come in your life, Tell what you were doing on the 1st day of the New Year, Tell about the most challenging thing you were through last year, Tell which of your New Year resolutions you are determined to stick to?, Tell what your biggest ambition for this year is, Tell about a person you'd like to thank for being there last year , Tell how you feel about your language progress, useful learning tools you discovered last year, Tell about something you started last year and intend to keep on doing (what result are you aiming for?),  Tell what made you happy the most during the New Year holidays, Tell why you think some people choose not to celebrate New Year?, Tell who gave you the most significant present?, Tell how your attitude to the New Year has changed since you were a child, Tell where you'd like to celebrate the next New Year? Who would you like to be with?.

New Year Questionnaire

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