True: is reserved for remote learners., In break-out room, I should use accountable talk., When working remotely at home:, attendance will be taken., When working remotely at home:, Choose a “work space”, When working remotely at home, Camera must be ON, When working remotely at home, wear appropriate clothing, if you are waiting for 5 minutes from when class is supposed to start, Continue with any assignments or review, When you are in Zoom, Keep headphones on to get the best sound quality, You will NOT be joining the Zoom if physically in the classroom., False: is reserved for classroom students., In break-out room, I shouldn't use accountable talk., When working remotely at home:, attendance will not be taken., When working remotely at home:, I can lay on the bed, When working remotely at home, Camera must be OFF, When working remotely at home, wear comfy pajamas, if you are waiting for 5 minutes from when class is supposed to start, then you are free, You will be joining the Zoom if physically in the classroom. ,

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