Choose one and describe him. The other students guess who it is. (The one on the left, the one in the middle, the one on the right), Choose one and describe her The other students guess who it is. (The one on the left, the one in the middle, the one on the right), Choose one and describe him. The other students guess who it is. (The one on the left, the one in the middle, the one on the right), Choose one and describe her. The other students guess who it is. (The one on the left, the one in the middle, the one on the right), Choose one and describe her The other students guess who it is. (The one on the left, the one in the middle, the one on the right), Choose one and describe him. The other students guess who it is. (The one on the left, the one in the middle, the one on the right), Describe him., Discribe her..

Describe the people

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