World War 2 - War fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Allies and the Axis Powers, Communism - government control over the economy and all political power, liberate - to make free, V-J Day - Victory in Japan (Japan surrenders to Allies), dictator - leader with complete control over a country's government, Tuskegee Airmen - First African American fighter pilots that fought in WWII, Nazi Party - Political party in Germany led by Hitler, kamikaze - suicide missions by Japanese pilots in WWII, Adolf Hitler - dictator that led the Nazi party in Germany, Jew - a person of ancient Jewish descent, atomic bomb - Powerful nuclear weapon that can destroy an entire city, Axis Powers - Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during WWII, Holocaust - The murder of 12 million Jews and others by Hitler during WWII, Emperor Hirohito - Leader of Japan during WWII, opportunity cost - What a person gives up by choosing to use resources one way instead of another, Benito Mussolini - Dictator of Italy during WWII, United Nations - International organization formed to promote peace and prevent war, Allied Powers - Alliance of Great Britain, France, Soviet Union and US during WWII, Rosie the Riveter - fictional character on government posters symbolizing women working in factories , Joseph Stalin - Dictator of Soviet Union during WWII,
World War 2 - Part 1
5th Grade
Social studies
World War II
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