Alexander Graham Bell - He was an American inventor who was responsible for developing the telephone., Gilded Age - 1870s - 1890s; time period looked good on the outside, despite the corrupt politics and growing gap between the rich and poor, Thomas Edison - American inventor best known for inventing the electric light bulb, acoustic recording on wax cylinders, and motion pictures, Telephone - A device that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances. Invented by Alexander Graham Bell, Free Enterprise System - An economic system in which people are free to operate their businesses as they see fit, with little government interference, Laissez-Faire - No government intervention in business., Bessemer Process - A process for making steel more efficiently, patented in 1856, Entrepreneurship - Accepting the risk of starting and running a business, Monopoly - A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller, Andrew Carnegie - A business man that increased his power through by gaining control of the many different businesses that make up all phases of steel production development, John Rockefeller - Creator of the Standard Oil Company who made a fortune on it and joined with competing companies in trust agreements that in other words made an amazing monopoly, Robber Baron - a negative term for business leaders that implied they built their fortunes by stealing from the public, Captain of Industry - business leader who has a positive impact, Philanthropy - Giving money to help the poor, Political Machines - Corrupt organized groups that controlled political parties in the cities. A boss leads the machine and attempts to grab more votes for his party, Political Boss - representative for or head of the political machine; gained votes for their parties by doing favors for people, Child Labor - Children were viewed as laborers throughout the 19th century. Many children worked on farms, small businesses, mills and factories, Labor Union - An organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions, wages, and benefits for its members, Strikes - times when workers refuse to work until owners improve conditions, Knights of Labor - 1st effort to create National union, Boss Tweed - Leader of the Tammany Hall, New York political machine, Tenement - A building in which several families rent rooms or apartments, often with little sanitation or safety, Pendleton Civil Service Act - Made appointments to federal jobs through a merit system based off candidates performance on an exam,
Gilded Age
10th Grade
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