observation - the process of obtaining information by using the sense; the information obtained by using the sense; foundational to everything in science can be qualitative or quantitative , Hypothesis - a testable idea or explanation that leads to scientific investigation (a potential answer which is based on research) should be written in an "If/Then/Because", Experiment - an organized procedure to study something under controlled conditions; the test of one's hypothesis, Independent Variable - In a scientific investigation, the factor that is deliberately manipulated (aka manipulated or test variable), Dependent Variable - In a scientific investigation, the factor that changes as a result of manipulation of one or more independent variables (aka Responding variable) yields our data, Data - Information gathered by observation or experimental that can be used in calculating or reasoning (derived from the Dependent Variable), can be quantitative (number-based) or qualitative (non-number based), Repetition - An activity repeated by an individual, in science we repeat our experiments as many times as possible to ensure valid data (repeated trials), Replication - another person repeats the activity of a different individual or group, in science, other scientists replicate experiments to check the accuracy of the results, ensures reported results are free of bias., Scientific Investigation - Using a systematic approach to answer questions about the natural world, Controlled variable - ALL variables in an experiment other than the independent variable, (that MUST be kept constant so as not to introduce bias into one's outcomes (dependent variable), Control Group - an experimental group in which conditions are tested under normal circumstances with no implementation of independent variable, data collected from this group is used for comparison purposes to indicate the effectiveness of the independent variable., Tested Group - An experimental group in which the independent variable is introduced. Data collected from this group is compared to that of the control group to see the effectiveness of the independent variable. , QuaNtitative Data - Data which is expressed in numerical values, primary form of data that should be collected (observations can also be classified as quantitative), QuaLitative Data - Data which does not involve numbers (qualities) should be used only to supplement quantitative data, Analysis - detailed examination of data allows one to identify data trends for discussion and interpretation. , Conclusion - a statement which indicates one's hypothesis is either supported by the data or not supported by the data, quantitative data must be cited when showing support or lack thereof. ,
Nature of Science
7th Grade
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