1) Alliteration - words close together that begin with the same sound. Which one is the odd one out? a) mum b) moon c) meal d) sister 2) Which one is the odd one out? a) list b) lock c) bat d) lace 3) Which one is the odd one out? a) ant b) can c) apple d) add 4) Which one is the odd one out? a) nest b) neck c) nose d) hat 5) Which one is the odd one out? a) cow b) safe c) saw d) sea 6) Which one is the odd one out? a) duck b) dog c) cat d) desk 7) Which is the odd one out? a) elk b) egg c) red d) elm 8) Which is the odd one out? a) b) c) d) 9) Which is the odd one out? a) b) c) d) 10) Which is the odd one out? a) b) c) d)

Alliteration Odd One Out

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